Or rather - the finishing touch?
Traditionally freight trains have needed something at the end, for the guard or conductor, or whoever was in charge of the train. In N American parlance the Caboose, in the UK the Brake Van. Given the prevalence of goods rolling stock without running brakes the emphasis on Brake was pretty vital in Britain. These days of course, continuous braking and more sophisticated have made such vehicles a thing of the past on the real railways, but they still run with our models.
So it is with great pleasure to announce the latest in member Fred van der Lubbe's e-books - Caboose, or The End of the Train - featuring American and European 'tail-ends' from his collection is now available, free to download, in PDF format. To do so click on this icon to go to the TCS Document Folder and then download the file caboosesmall.pdf. It is also available as a larger file cabooselarge.pdf. The difference between the two (apart from the size) is that the picture quality is better in the large version. The small version is perfectly adequate for reading on-line, but if you wanted to print out a copy for your personal delectation then you might want to use the large version.
Many thanks to Fred for sharing all this with us.
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