A new page has been added to the site - The TCS Document Folder.

This is an on-line collection of files that may be of interest to the toy and model train collector and enthusiast, held separately so they will be available more permanently than in a news item ( though they may well have appeared in one first). By placing them in a separate location quite large files may be included, bigger than can be reasonable hosted on the website itself. While over time all sorts of useful material may be stored here (we hope) the general idea is to offer 'documents' authored by TCS members that because of their size and  / or specialism do not fit within the constraints of our Train Collector magazine but which we think would be of interest to members. Initial documents are the two ‘books’ from Fred van der Lubb: CIWL carriages from Fred and Tin Stuff from Fred plus a new article from James Day The Tri-ang Lego & LGB Crossover (which is of course my excuse for the picture of some LEGO track above!)

An updated version of Tin Stuff from Fred (2.0) is now available in the folder. This includes among other revisions an index of manufacturers. Two versions are available, large and small, the difference is that the pictures in the large version are much better quality.

You may go direct to the Folder page here or via the Site's Menu

All files are free to be downloaded and for private use. Copyright may well remain with the original author (and photographer / illustrator) but in any case please mention the source when you copy something.