All Those Other British Toy Trains

One of the many attractions at the TCS’s Spring Show and AGM last Saturday (12th March) was the launch of Book 2* in Michael Foster's British Toy Trains series – featuring all those other British toy train manufacturers.

Although much has been written about Hornby, Triang and Bassett-Lowke, the range of toy trains produced by other British manufacturers between 1910 and 1960 remains a mystery to most collectors. Michael Foster has spent 25 researching the smaller and more obscure British toy train manufacturers. The amount of material available is so large that the author has decided to produce four books in this series.

This volume covers Betal, British Marx and A Wells Co. Ltd in 144 pages and including 200 photographs and illustrations in colour. You can see a few samples of the delights inside its covers at including

*Book 1 covered Whitanco, Burnett, Chad Valley and Pallitoy (some copies are still available), Book 3 will cover Brimtoy and Book 4 Bowman, Bar Knight, Mettoy and a number of smaller companies

More Details:

British Toy Trains - Book 2 by Michael Foster

Featuring: Dunham, White & Betal, British Marx and A.W.J. Wells Ltd.

A4 size landscape softback, 144 pages, 200 photographs and illustrations.  ISBN 978-0-9932047-1-5

It costs £18 (plus P&P - see below) and to order contact: Michael Foster, Tel:  07979 241406, email:

Postage and packing:
UK - £3.50
Europe - £8.50 (Airmail)
Worldwide Zone 1 USA - £13.20 (Airmail)
Worldwide Zone 2 Australia/NZ - £14.20 (Airmail)