This past month and most probably also the coming months have and will fundamentally change our way of life. Lucky us we have a hobby to turn to and were we always find something to do on our layouts or on projects which have been waiting to be realzied.

The picture of the month April exactly is such a case, and more over it is a real TCS story. As it is more a story than a single picture I have decided to share all three pictures with you while the picture of the month truly is the finished shunter in Pauls coal yard.

So rather the story than the picture of the month April 2020 is by Paul Willimas it is:

"The little shunter in the coal yard"

"Mark Carne put this scratch built brass loco on the TCS Bring and Buy last year. It was very dirty and sitting on a Bing Table Railway clockwork mech well beyond repair.

Now it sits on a modern Hornby chassis, and is seen shunting my micro coal yard. "

To view all pictures of the month please click on this link: Pictures of the month 2020

April 2020