Message and picture of the month from Bryan Pentland:

In these difficult times when we all miss the varies toy train related events and even big train events many of us in the TCS turn to our hobby and the projects pile however seeing old friends and shooting the breeze makes a big hole in our lives along with the distances to our families etc. We turn to these social media platforms to express our interests and to hear what other train collectors are up to. But please spare a thought for those who are not quite so switched on to the technology who would really appreciate a telephone call from a friend to say how are you doing. The average age in the club increases the isolation and we must all know a few people who would appreciate a call. If you don't have their number then an email will be good too. If anyone wants the email of another member I can email that person with your email address and or telephone number and ask them if they are prepared to contact you. We do not keep or release telephone numbers. Stay safe and keep working though the projects pile and I hope to see each other at an event soon..

The picture of the month May 2020 is by Bryan Pentland:

"Eheim working trolley buses and various others"

To view all pictures of the month please click on this link: Pictures of the month 2020