TCS Spring Show & AGM is moving!

The TCS Spring Show & AGM will be at a new venue for 2017, namely the Trinity Centre (Trinity Methodist Church Hall) in Leicester, which is of course also home to the ever popular Autumn Get-together (this year on 5th November). The date remains the same as previously published, that is Saturday 18th March.

Bryan Pentland will be organising the AGM and show as usual and Paul Draycott and team will be our hosts. Please contact Bryan  at (0780 181 8764) if you would like to exhibit at the show or have a sales table.

As previously announced the TCS Summer Show is also moving to a new (and larger) venue, the Statonbury Leisure Centre in Milton Keynes and will be held on Saturday 8th July. See the recent news item about this. For further details of the events and the new venues please see the events section, or use the links below

2016 Autumn Get-together, Leicester November 5

2017 AGM & Spring Show, Leicester March 18

2017 Summer Show, Milton Keynes, July 8