The Train Collectors Society has a new main address. As of this week it is: Train Collectors Society, PO Box 290, Winsford, CW7 9GS, UK
The e-mail address remains the same.
The reason for this change is that Paul Williams is now our TCS Membership Secretary (as well as continuing as our Treasurer) and Tony Stanford is taking responsibility for the website: they are swapping current roles.
Tony comments: "On taking over this role, I would just like to record my thanks for all the work Dave McCarthy has put into the old site over the past decade, mostly unsung but not un-noticed judging from the number of new members joining via the website during that time, and for Paul for getting the new site operational over the past few months. I am not going to make any claims over major changes or great improvements but hope I can follow these gentlemen and develop the site in the future. And very interested to receive any comments or idea as to additional content! You can e-mail me on"
The old PO Box address will not be closed for a few months so existing membership forms etc. will still be valid and can continue to be used. Revised membership forms will be produced after the AGM on March 12th when next year’s fees are fixed. However please use the new address as of now when you can.