Hi everyone,
I often browse YouTube for toy train and model railway videos.
This German gauge 1 clockwork layout really caught my attention. It plays for just over 5 minutes, and after a slow start the trains run. It displays faultless running through points.....and then with use of strategically placed brake rails, some clever shunting!
The condition of the trains, accessories and the almost new looking track is wonderful to see.
Not only is is set to period German popular music, but it neatly captures the trains rattling around the tinplate tracks. Brilliant!
If you enjoy that, then the same person also owns this spectacular 1930's Tinplate O gauge layout. Who says they have no room? This one cleverly folds up against the garage wall
I hope you enjoy this.....not quite as good as seeing the real thing at a TCS show, but pretty good!!
Paul Williams