THE JUNE 2016 TRAIN COLLECTOR IS OUT and is on its way to all members, if it has not already arrived. Yet another great issue with articles, among others, on:
- TCS AGM – Show Report and Minutes
- Exley coaches
- Shops I remember
- Review of British Toy Trains 2
- Alan Cliff collection
- Bond’s Hunslet Diesel
- Märklin “US” diesels
- Dublo Staion Architecture
- Dudley Dimmock
- S & B Productions
- Rovex costings
- Schienzeppelin
- Visiting 1988
- Beckenhame Vintage 2016
- Tri-ang SA Baltic Tank
- British HO
- Smithies catalogue
- Radio control anyone?
- Manufax
- A Fresh Wind Blows In
- Tri-ang Caustic Liquor Railtanks
- Big Big Motors
Plus more
This issue also includes a membership renewal form for the coming year. The envelop label will show if you have to renew. 2016/7 subscriptions are due 30 June (but may be paid in person at the TCS Summer Show at Sandy on July 2nd).