Last Saturday (5th November) saw the 25th TCS Leicester Get-together, as ever organised by Paul Draycott and his team and held at the Trinity Church Halls.

It was a great day with some fascinating and rare items running (is there anywhere else you could find vintage gauge 2, stork-leg steamers and a Playcraft/TYCO road-rail layout all running in the same show?) as well as all the more expected displays and a wide selection of traders. Plus of course that extra ingredient we have each year of a great Christmas Lunch

There was also a coaster as a little gift for those who came, to celebrate that it was the 25th show.


For those who could not make it perhaps the next best thing is to read Bob Leggett's report and look at the photos that Bob, Keith Bone and Pat Hammond have provide for our enjoyment. If if you were there, hope these may bring back pleasant memories. You can go direct to it here or look on the Event Reports page.