Photo Competition for 2018

Following the great success of this year's photo competition the TCS is pleased to announce that there will again be such a competition for the coming year.

Photos can be of any subject related to Toy Trains.  Closing date for entries is 19th December 2017.

Twelve photos will be chosen by the committee and one will appear each month as ‘Photo of the Month’ on the TCS website. A downloadable calendar page will also be provided.

Train Collectors Society 2018 example calendar page

In addition, one of the twelve will be selected as the overall “Photo of the Year”. Whoever submits the “Photo of the Year” will be rewarded by a year’s free membership of the TCS.  All photos that appear on the website will of course be acknowledged to the successful photographer. And we would like a Christmas-themed photo for December!

Please e-mail entries to (to keep the judges sane please no more than six per person) if possible but we are also able to accept entries by post. See the TCS Photo Competition page for more details.