The TCS Spring Show & AGM was held last Saturday (18th March) in Leicester

A new venue for the AGM, but familiar to many in the TCS, it was a good day out, plenty of clockwork indoors even if not that Spring-like outside! Some great layouts and displays and plenty of traders to whet our appetites. A full report may be found here but special mention I think should be made of the presence of Mr Bond (aka David Rhodes) in an OO world somewhat indebted to Lines Bros., and a rather special American Flyer layout from our Chairman featuring a unique Trainorama background in front of which Flyer trains, some over 90 years old, happily ran. Now is there anywhere other than a TCS event where you might find those together?

It was also of course our AGM and for members minutes will appear in the Train Collector. However one decision taken was that the TCS agreed to set up its own Facebook group, which is already up and running - see the link on the sidecar on this page. You do not have to be a TCS member to join, but we hope you will once you see what we get up to! Oh and subs are not having to increase for the coming year either.