Train Collectors Society AGM, Trinity Church Hall, Leicester
Sat March 11th 2023, by Bob Leggett
As with many others I left on the Friday afternoon to start setting my sales table for Saturday, there were various weather warnings in place mainly for snow and ice which fortunately did not materialise. By the time I arrived many layouts were almost complete and at 7pm Paul Draycott turned up with some delicious lasagne.
We were then able to go and have a drink at the Premier Inn and several of us had an early breakfast before finishing our displays/sales tables (Fig 1).
As usual I will described the show from the entrance which was manned by Paul Williams. Paul had on display was his rather sweet 00 Gauge Trix Express 3-rail circular table top layout (Fig 2) with storage in the middle! (Fig 3). Paul was assisted by Paul Chapman who also helped Bryan Pentland.
On the left Chris Bush was selling books for the RCTS, straight ahead Malcolm Pugh was running the Club Bring and Buy Stall. Malcolm (Fig 4) reported excellent business with sales over £500, items included Exley and other makers LMS 0 Gauge Coaches (Fig 5) and a selection of Hornby 0 Gauge (Fig 6).
Opposite Dave Angell had a vast amount of Tri-ang,Tri-ang Hornby and Hornby for sale (Fig 7). Leon Mills was in his usual spot selling ACE Trains and had on sale the latest sets of Beer Vans (Fig 8)
The other display in the foyer was Chairman Bryan Pentland's excellent Best of British 0 Gauge Tinplate layout (Fig 9) featuring Mettoy, Chad Valley and Brimtoy and various accessories. This included the superb Brimtoy Viaduct with a shuttle running back and forth all day. At least six trains were operating at any one time.

As we move into the Main Hall, Mark Carne was selling a large selection of interesting larger Gauge Locomotives and accessories (Fig 10),
David Rhodes of James Bond fame was a Blue Pullman enthusiast today with an interesting set up including Tri-ang and Kitmaster Pullmans and various original memorabilia. David of course dressed for the occasion (Fig 12), in the centre of the display was his excellent made up Kitmaster Pullman set (Fig 13). A nice example of the Tri-ang Minic Pullman started many conversations (Fig 14).
In Peter Gurd's old corner was Mick French, appropriately selling a variety of Railway books (Fig 15). Mick had an amazing selection and muscles to bring so many!!
Alongside was Neil Smith with help from Les Martin operating a superb Tri-ang standard Track 00 Gauge layout (Fig 18). All stock was Transcontinental with Mark 2 couplings and Neil had source some excellent unwarped red station buildings (Fig 19).
The last layout in this hall was a neat Marklin HO (Fig 20) by Malcolm Foster with help from Graham Frisvy. Running was pre and post war stock and the layout was electrically signalled throughout.
The rest of the hall was taken up by Traders including, Dixon Upcott (Fig 21), Mike Hobday on the stage with 00 Gauge (Fig 22) and larger Gauges (Fig 23).
Simon and Adam Goodyear with Dublo and larger Gauges (Fig 24) and of course Spencer (Fig 24a and Fig 24b).
John Gadsby selling 00 Gauge, Rob Hampton had Lone Star 000 (Fig 25) as well as TT and 00 Gauge.
Bob Leggett had his usual mix including an uncommon Lego Train Ferry (Fig 26)
David Ramsey was continuing to sell items from the late Tony Twiggs collection including a lovely Kibri Shop (Fig 27). After this show the rest of the collection will be sold at LSK Auction House.
First Trader in the small hall was Colin Totem with Raylo exclusive models aswell as a lovely selection of Darstead Bogie Tank wagons (Fig 28) and accessories (Fig 28a and 28b).
At the far end it was a pleasure to see Dave White's excellent Tri-ang Railways and Minic Motorways 00 Gauge Layout including a Car Ferry scene (Fig 29).
Dave had two 'Old Smokey Locomotives' pulling the road-rail wagons (Fig 30) with cars stopping for the trains as well as dual road/rail track and a Pannier at the Car unloading ramp (Fig 30a).
James Day with help from Derek Bond set up James wonderful Playcraft HO Gauge Railways and Playcraft Highways layout (Fig 31) with a full Locomotive depot (Fig 32).
Train Collector editor Nicholas Oddy was selling mainly Hornby O Gauge (Fig 37), but was also seen buying an Avon After Shave glass Train bottle from Bob Leggett's stall (Fig 38). Was Nicholas hoping to woo someone on the way home?
As usual the dining area was used for the excellent lunch, the first sitting was almost 40 diners (Fig 39) enjoying a delicious beef casserole (Fig 40) followed by Crumble or Fruit Salad. Many thanks to Diane Johnson, Daphne Sargent, Neal Priestly, Elaine Priestly, Salwa Draycott, Paul Draycott, Adam Draycott and Marilyn Draycott for the superb meal, bacon rolls in the morning and cakes in the afternoon and tea, coffee and soft drinks all day long.
It was great for everyone to have such a wonderful show, by late morning the main hall was getting rather busy (Fig 41) also (Fig 41a). The attendance was slightly down from our record in November mainly due to the weather warnings, however, it was still good and the Society was able to make a surplus of around £150.
The AGM was held at 3pm and the Committee (Fig 42) all agreed to stand again and were re-elected for another year.
Thank you to Bryan Pentland and Paul Draycott and his family for organising the show and other members, Exhibitors, Traders and Public who came to make this such a special event.