Picture of the month November 2020

Picture of the month November 2020

Any Make, any age any gauge, leads us this month to a country where few is know about its Model Train Industry. "Roglin Express" by Rainer Haug shows a rather rare 00 gauge tinplate railcar from a Hungarian Manufacturer made end 1940 beginning 1950. To view all...
Picture of the month October 2020

Picture of the month October 2020

Uwe Groll has been able to add a real Bing gem to the collection of the Bing Museum, Freinsheim, Germany. To share this we show "Bing's Paris Elevated and Underground Railway" as picture of the month October 2020 "The Paris Elevated and Underground Railway made...
Picture of the month September

Picture of the month September

Picture of the month September is by James Day who has recently become interested in "US Style billboards". "This all began with my searching for an orangey red one that Tyco sold with the Tyco Us-1 Trucking Wrecker set. On the way I have found and acquired models by...
Picture of the month August 2020

Picture of the month August 2020

“Mail for you” is the picture of the month August 2020 by Dieter Käßer remembering the time when Mail was the standard way  communication, at the same time it is also the logo of the HTS Forum taking place in 10/11 April 2021 in Göppingen  (see upcoming...
Picture of the month July 2020

Picture of the month July 2020

Picture of the month by Rainer Haug shows little "Emma" from Märklin sitting in front of the smoke box door of a "real" movie star "Emma". Emma is the loco of "Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer" a famous german childs book written 60 years ago by Michael Ende....
Picture of the month June 2020

Picture of the month June 2020

The picture of the month June 2020 is by Bob Doorewaard Boekhout: The picture is showing a beautifull "get together" on Bob's present 1960s Tri-ang 00 gauge layout.  " Tri-ang/Hornby 'Princess' Class locomotives come together in all their liveries." To view...