by Bryan Pentland | May 31, 2016
The TCA Train Collectors Association in the USA is the equivalent of the TCS in UK only about 30 times larger as you would expect. I have been attending their regular meetings in York Pennsylvania for many years and I attended one of these vast meetings in April 2016...
by Bryan Pentland | Apr 10, 2016
Well at the Summer Show last year I found a wonderful French Ge Ge station which I posted pictures of a little while ago and at the recent Spring show I found a wonderful wooden German castle from the 1930's made probably by Gottschalk pictured here after a little...
by Bryan Pentland | Feb 15, 2016
Just a reminder folks that this is on the Sat 12th of March in Biggleswade. There will be the ever popular bring and buy so bring along your junk. The theme for the club stand is industrial locos so bring something from your collection. There will be a number of...
by Bryan Pentland | Dec 10, 2015
I have always wanted to build one of these wonderful spiral layouts but never had anywhere near enough Meccano to make such a thing. The nice feature of course is it is endless so just runs and runs, great for shows. If someone could come up with enough Meccano I...
by Bryan Pentland | Dec 1, 2015
Most of the classic 0 gauge trains from Japan pre WW2 and just post WW2 come from Seki, Sakai who probably was a successor to Seki and just post WW2 KTM. Seki and Sakai also " badge engineered" their trains for different countries for example Stronlite for the UK...
by Bryan Pentland | Nov 11, 2015
Over the last 25 years I have collected 0 gauge train sets from the widest range of manufacturers possible totalling about 500 so far. I think I can rate Gnadler as the manufacturer of a range of the crudest of them all, that's not to say that all their trains were...
by Bryan Pentland | Oct 19, 2015
DON'T FORGET THE LEICESTER SHOW Here is the final update for the show on 7th November. Theme for Club stand Southern Admission £3.00 Opening time 10.00 am to 4.00 pm Layouts James Day & Malcolm Pugh G gauge Bob Fleming HO American...
by Bryan Pentland | Oct 14, 2015
Well we don't all have easily accessible lofts or basements to house our train layouts so here is what can be done in a briefcase. These were all showing at the Bob Leggett's Alresford Train show last year I think. Each one is different and at the end of the day you...
by Bryan Pentland | Oct 14, 2015
I have added some more pictures of my loft layout and various displays as follows ; Top cable car climbs over various tin plate buildings Top French Hornby on the elevated track Below; Marx stations front...
by Bryan Pentland | Oct 6, 2015
Many years ago I moved numerous pipes and a large water storage tank typical of older UK homes to squeeze in a loft layout in 0 gauge. In an odd shaped space with angled eves it took a while to get the maximum track distance and number of tracks in the space and...